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Prepping for College Over the Summer

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Prepping for College Over the Summer

The acceptance letter is in your hand, the matriculation fee paid, and the travel route planned.

Now you’ve got three months to sit and wait for one of the biggest transitions of your life.

So, besides doing a ridiculous amount of furniture shopping, how can you prepare for college over the summer?

#1: Think-Ahead Shopping

While you’re doing all of that shopping, make sure that you research what kind of climate your college of choice is in.

What will the weather be like in August? January? April? It may be summer now, but it won’t be a few months after you arrive. Make sure you’re prepared for that.

This does not only apply to clothes. Make sure you find out whether your dorm is air-conditioned. If you’re going somewhere cold, you may want to invest in an electric blanket or warmer pajamas. Trust me, even with the heat all the way up the wind can still get in around the windows!

Shoes are also extremely important. I, for example, had to invest in a good pair of snow boots before I left for school. My friend who is going to school in Texas, on the other hand, needed a sturdy pair of sandals.

#2: Find Out Information

This may seem obvious, but make sure that you know where your dorm is, where your room is, and what you’ll be doing for the first weekend that you arrive. Colleges often post such information, including a welcome weekend schedule, on their website. Once you arrive, there will be a lot going on and you won’t want to add more confusion!

Also look at a campus map and find buildings that you’ll need to visit a lot, such as the dining commons. If you already have your class schedule, find those buildings, as well.

You might also want to research some clubs/organizations/etc. which you may want to be involved in during the coming school year. This gives you an idea about what to look into when you arrive.

#3: Meet Your Roommate

If possible, you should try to meet or at least text/Facebook message your roommate. Roommate assignments are often given over orientation weekend in early summer, which would be a great time to meet each other!

Get to know this person a little bit so that you won’t be sharing a room with a complete stranger on your first night. Talk a bit about what you’ll each be bringing to the room. If you’d like your bedding to match, for example, figure that out.

It could also be helpful to discuss things like whether you are a morning or night person and what you expect your schedule to be like.

#4: Have a Great Summer!

Within a few months high school will be only a memory, and you want those memories of this stage of your life to be good ones. So have fun! Get out and do things. Spend time with your family and friends.

These are the memories which will carry you through those first few days on campus, which are often the hardest. Take lots of pictures, and then bring them with you to your dorm!

Overall, do everything you can to eliminate as much stress from move-in weekend as possible. Transitioning to college is a big enough change on its own!

Besides, the more prepared you are, the more confidence you will have as you step into this next stage of your life!

Source feed Post from fastweb http://ift.tt/1NLTqWD

..पूरा भिडियो ।


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