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As a student, it’s easy to get caught up in your own life, between studies, your scholarship search, extracurricular activities and, of course, your avid social life.
Take some time this year to pause and reflect on what you’re thankful for. Now is the time, especially during the holiday season, to give thanks for everything great in your life.
Check out these great ideas students can utilize to give back to the community:
Organize or Give to a Blood Drive
Giving blood is an easy way to save lives. You’re giving away time and, obviously, blood, so we vote it counts for volunteer work, too.
Can’t or don’t want to donate blood? You still can help organize and volunteer at local blood drives.
Check out The Red Cross for more information on drives near you.
Can you think of a better way to give back than coaching kids? Everyone, at some point or another, had a coach and those that were great really impacted our lives. You can become one!
Check out the following organizations who would love to have you join their team:
• National Alliance for Youth Sports
• Girls on the Run
Imagine being in a country without knowing the language – where nobody else seems to know your native tongue. That’s what it’s like for millions of Americans whose second language is English. Make their transition to English easier by volunteering.
You can learn more about teaching English as a second language (ESL) here.
Become a Role Model
There are so many organizations nationally that arrange mentoring relationships for children in need. If you’re interested in mentoring someone, check out the following programs, available nationwide:
• Big Brothers, Big Sisters
• National Mentor Partnership
• National Mentoring Alliance
• Experience Corps
Volunteer for an Organization
There are endless organizations to volunteer for, whether your preference is adults or children, animals or humans, working with people or at events, there’s a right fit for you!
Here are some popular organizations to consider when evaluating what type of volunteering is right for you:
• Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
• DoSomething.org
• Big Brothers, Big Sisters
• The Red Cross
• The Humane Society of the United States
• Meals on Wheels Association of America
• Volunteers of America
How do you give back to your community?
Source feed Post from fastweb http://ift.tt/1O79mTv
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